Today is a B Day.
From Ms. Riley: Yellowjackets, you better be paying attention because this announcement is super important if you like to have fun after school. The most fun you can have after school is to join an Act II class.
This semester we have Drama, Chorus, FACS, Art, Tech Innovations, and Creating Websites/Apps Act II Classes. If you are interested and want more information, get an Act II handout from either a school counselor or an Act II teacher.
This year the Act II teachers are Ms. Riley, Mr. Banach, Mr. Nolen, Ms. E Shepardson, Mr. J Anderson and Ms. Boda. Everyone is welcome!
From Ms. Burton: Students, If you were interested in taking Mr. Anderson’s ACT II class, “Digital Input”, it will not be offered at this time. If anything changes in October, we will let you know.
Don’t forget the deadline to return your ACT II forms in is next Thursday. You can pick a form up from the counseling suite or on the Counseling Canvas Course.
Now here’s Mr. Malinosky: Remember that there is no school on Friday and Monday for the Labor Day holiday. See you back at Jefferson next Tuesday!