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Back to School Night Videos

Subject Areas


Math Department:  

IB Grade Calculations Explained  and Slides


Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Math 6: Math 7 Pre-Algebra for 8th Graders:
Ms. Chenier Mr. Busby Mr. Carter
Ms. Edens Ms. Jenks Ms. Jenks
Ms. Gair Mr. Samaniego Ms. Kramer
Ms. Gray Mr. Somerville Ms. Rivers
Ms. Jenks Ms. Willis Ms. Rotchford


Pre-Algebra for 6th Graders: Pre-Algebra for 7th Graders: Algebra Intensified & Algebra:
Ms. Edens Mr. Busby Ms. Kramer
Ms. Rotchford


Math Interventionist (Strategies): Algebra Intensified: Geometry:
Ms. Pierce Ms. Rotchford Mr. Carter
 Math Coach: Ms. Cobbs  Math Coach: Ms. Cobbs  Math Coach: Ms. Cobbs
TA Flex Overview TA Flex Overview TA Flex Overview

World Language

Art and Design

Arts and Design Department: IB Grade Calculations Explained Arts and Design


Mr. Banach – Chorus Mr. Ammon – Comp Sci Mr. Nolen – Tech Ed
Ms. Gomez – Orchestra Mr. Ammon – Robotics
Ms. Riley – Drama Mr. J. Anderson- Bus. Tech
Ms. E. Shepardson – Art Ms. Boda – FACS
Ms. Tangchittsumran – Band

Social Studies

Social Studies Department: IB Grade Calculations Explained and Slides
Grade 6

Mr. Gladney

Ms. Harrison

Ms. A. Miller

Ms. Payne 

Grade 7

Mr. De Bruyn

Mr. Moore

Dr. Nolan

Mr. Sivells

Grade 8

Mr. Decker

Mr. Griffiths

Ms. William

sMs. Wiltrout

Social Skills and Support

Social Skills and Support
Ms. Calhoun

Mr. Hyde

Ms. Scott

Ms. Neunder

Ms. Waring

Mr. Rasouli