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Jefferson Advanced Academics & Talent Development

The APS model for delivering ongoing differentiated instruction for gifted learners is a collaborative cluster model. Gifted learners are clustered in groups of five or more in general education classrooms. This provides gifted students with intellectual peers, and allows teachers to be efficient in planning for advanced learning groups. Gifted cluster teachers deliver differentiated instruction with support from the advanced academics coach (AAC). A framework of critical and creative thinking strategies is available to support all teachers infusing higher order thinking and appropriate rigor for all learners.

At Thomas Jefferson we are committed to addressing the unique needs of our students with previously identified gifts and talents, along with children who demonstrate the potential to excel if provided with explicit educational support. We recognize that students who possess exceptional abilities should be given direction, time, encouragement, and resources to maximize their potential.

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, I will oversee the delivery of gifted services by collaborating with teachers on best practice models including, differentiated lessons, research-based resources, and personalized learning that promotes authentic learning experiences. As these practices take shape in our classrooms, we hope to encourage a strong school-wide environment that fosters a positive mindset towards critical and creative thinking, project-based-learning, and authentic problem solving.

Please check back to our gifted page for updates. Again, it is an honor to work with the wonderful community at Jefferson. Please feel free to contact me with questions, introductions, or concerns.



Published December 31, 69 5:00PM

TJMSgifted (Instagram)