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Morning Announcements October 18, 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

ANNOUNCEMENTS Today is an A Day.

From Coach Busby: Boys Basketball tryouts continue today for 7th grade. 8th grade is tomorrow,.Tryouts begin immediately after school in the gym and run until 4:00 PM.

From your SCA: Join us today after school for ‘Chalk the Walk.’ It’s a chance for all of us to get creative with positive messages on the school walkway.  Let’s make our school even more vibrant together! Everyone is invited!

From Ms. Wall, Ms. Z and Ms. Rosegrant: TAB Club meets today during lunches You can use the pass in today’s Canvas Announcement to get your lunch quickly.  Then come right up with your iPad to the Library!It’s not too late to join Jefferson’s book club.

From Mr. J Anderson: Good Morning TJMS, Make Up picture day is Tuesday, October 24th! If you would like to retake your picture, please join us. Unfortunately, there is a list of students who must retake their picture due to a lighting issue. If this issue affected you, your parents/guardians will receive an email by the close of business today. If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by Room 82. Thank you.

From Ms. Dunbar and Ms. Waring: Reading Buddies is back for 2023-24!This year we will be reading with Fleet Elementary First Graders instead of Second Graders. We will begin on the first Friday in November and continue through the last Friday in February. Students from all 3 grade levels are welcome to participate. Everyone who participates needs to fill out and bring back a permission form. Forms will be available for pick-up in the Library beginning this Wednesday. Reading Buddies is a fun and relaxing way to end the week. Consider joining us!

From your Student Council Association: Here, again, is our challenge video for Unity Day:https://vimeo.com/871478492?share=copyHere is Gunston’s response video:https://youtu.be/Q_COEU-HO8s?si=bZiNS9A2ZRUuWc6N

From Ms. Jenks: Hello, Yellow Jackets! The PTA Reflections contest is back! This year the theme is “I am hopeful because….” Start thinking about how you can express yourself through visual art, literature, music, film, photography, or dance! Here is a short video to watch and get inspired! Show them who you are!  https://youtu.be/MuaoV5TyfBI?si=ntGPOBXLPl20U7zW

From Ms. Wall: Study Hall is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school in the Library. If you would like a quiet place to get your homework done before you go home, please come to the Library right after school and sign in.  A teacher will be here to help, and the Library is open until 3:30pm.  You can walk home or get picked up then, or you can then go wait for the late bus in the commons with Mr. Siegel.

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