Today is a B Day.
From Ms. Dunbar & Ms. Waring:Reading Buddies today! We meet in Room 270, in the Dolphin area. Hope to see you there!
From Ms. Wall and Ms Rosegrant…and probably every teacher in this school:Please check your Canvas messages and Announcements every day! Important information is sent to you through Canvas, and you need to know what is happening!Have you checked Canvas yet today? “
From the TJMS Yearbook Staff. Today is our final picture day. The Schedule will be sent out in a canvas message. This announcement is for 8th graders! You can now vote for the final 8th graders for each superlative category. We have narrowed it down to the final few who received the most votes from the last form. 8th grade Ta teachers please have your students complete the form, you can find the link to vote in the 8th grade TA canvas course.”