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Morning Announcements September 29, 2023

Friday, September 29, 2023


From Ms. Riley and Ms. Rosegrant: If you are interested in being on the tech crew for the Fall play (and you are not in Act II Drama), please come to an interest meeting on Monday 10/2 in Ms.Riley’s room during your grade level lunch.

From Ms. Egbert: Today we will have our first real meeting of the year, watching 3 episodes of anime! The winning shows for the 1st quarter are HUNTER×HUNTER, SPY×FAMILY, and My Hero Academia. We will vote on shows again at the beginning of the 2nd quarter. Also, today is the last meeting of the month, so feel free to bring ramen or other snacks to enjoy! I have an electric kettle for hot water. Make sure the ramen you bring has its own cup or bowl, and bring utensils! (They’re pronounced Hunter Hunter and Spy Family)

From Ms. Dunbar: Garden Club WILL meet this week. We will harvest, move wood chips, and look for seed pods in the pollinator garden. Remember: be outside by the Little Blue Shed no later than 2:45pm. Hope to see you there! 

“From Coach Vogel and Coach Leonberger, congrats to all of our Yellowjackets who played in our first match against Hamm yesterday and those who came out to support the team. A special congratulations to Dahia Joseph for her winning performance in girls singles and to Kira Komlodi and Radhika Bhatnagar for their winning performance in girls doubles. See you on Monday for our make-up match against Swanson!”

From Ms. Jenks: Hello, Yellow Jackets! The PTA Reflections contest is back! This year the theme is “I am hopeful because….” Start thinking about how you can express yourself through visual art, literature, music, film, photography, or dance! Here is a short video to watch and get inspired! Show them who you are!  https://youtu.be/MuaoV5TyfBI?si=ntGPOBXLPl20U7zW

From Ms. Wall: Study is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school in the Library. If you would like a quiet place to get your homework done before you go home, please come to the Library right after school and sign in.  A teacher will be here to help, and the Library is open until 3:30pm.  You can walk home or get picked up then, or you can then go wait for the late bus in the commons with Mr. Siegel.

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