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Monday, Mar. 6, 2023


Today is an A Day.

From Madame Moran:Crotchet Club will meet again on Tuesday, March 7 after school until 3:30 pm in Room 239.  No experience needed but if you have a project you are working on, please feel free to bring it with you.  Ms. Jenks and Madame Moran look forward to seeing you!

From Ms. E. Shepardson:Art Club is cancelled today!  Sorry!

From Ms. DunbarAttention 8th Graders: if your Community Project addresses food insecurity in Arlington, you may want to volunteer in our school’s Plot Against Hunger. Consider staying after school on Tuesdays during March. See Ms. Dunbar for more information.

From Mr. P Anderson:“Kpop club will be held in Mr. P. Anderson’s room, 266, after school today.”

From Ms. Wall, Ms. Z and your Reading Teachers:Today is the first day of Jefferson’s Battle of the Books!  When Announcements are over, we need you all (students and staff) to open the link in today’s TA lesson to learn about the left side of our bracket.  These great 8 titles include graphic novels, fantasy stories, and books about fighting hate!   Watch the videos, read the slides, and vote between each pair of books!  Pick your favorite book—or the one you would want to read more.  Every vote counts, so please every person should vote.  If you don’t finish during TA, finish today—the polls close at 4pm today.  We’ll announce the winners tomorrow morning.

From Ms. Wall:If you brought in any of your overdue library books, please bring them to the library this morning.

From Ms. Wall and Ms Rosegrant…and probably every teacher in this school:Please check your Canvas messages and Announcements every day!  Important information is sent to you through Canvas, and you need to know what is happening!Have you checked Canvas yet today?

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