Today is a B Day.
From Jefferson Facilities:Please check downstairs in the Lost and Found today! There are lots of jackets, lunchboxes, and more. Items still there will be removed and donated after today!
From Ms. Dunbar:Garden Club will NOT meet this week. However we still need to have our group picture taken before we leave for Spring Break. Please listen carefully: If you were part of Garden Club in the Fall, and/or you are planning to be with us this Spring, please come to the school lobby right after announcements today for the group picture.
From Ms. Wall:If you brought in any of your overdue library books, please bring them to the library this morning. Please try to clear your records this week so you can check out something new to read over spring break!
From the Library and your reading teachers:This is it! Today is the day of our Battle of the Books Championship! Will the winner be Invisible, a graphic novel by Christina Diaz Gonzalez? Or will it be Good girls guide to murder by Holly Jackson? Will it be a graphic novel? Or a suspense-thriller? We want to have everyone vote—please go to the link in Canvas: you can get there from today’s TA lesson or from the message in your inbox. You can watch the videos again if you need to…or scroll down, vote for your favorite (or the book you more want to read), and submit. Polls close at 2pm, and the winner will be announced at the end of the day. After you vote, find something good to read over break—there are lots of great ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Check out Destiny Discover, ComicsPlus, Flipster, and Sora! There are SO many great reading options for you!
From Ms. Wall and Ms Rosegrant…and probably every teacher in this school:Please check your Canvas messages and Announcements every day! Important information is sent to you through Canvas, and you need to know what is happening!Have you checked Canvas yet today?