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Information for Rising 6th Grade Singers

Welcome Rising 6th Grade Singers!

What class should I sign up for on my Course Request Form (CRF)?

Kids Singing

  • Full year Chorus  19220 – meets every day for the year (recommended)
  • Semester Chorus 19265 – meets every other day for half of the year

General Information about Thomas Jefferson Middle School Chorus

  • Jefferson Middle School offers a wide variety of performance opportunities, both during and after school, that are not offered at the elementary level.  Performances include the Winter & Spring Concerts, the PTA Harvest Festival, Rising 6th Grade Orientation, International Night, and our Annual Spring Trip Competition/Performance.  Students also earn IB Community Service hours for each performance above and beyond their Winter and Spring Concerts.
  • Arlington schools and community organizations have invited Jefferson Choirs to perform at many functions including Foreign Language Week, sporting events, School Board Meetings, Administrative Council Meetings, County Libraries, and other events. Opportunities to perform are plentiful!
  • All students are encouraged to challenge themselves as individual musicians by auditioning for the All-County Chorus (6th, 7th, 8th grade), All-District Honors Chorus (7th, 8th grade) and All-State Honors Chorus (6th, 7th, 8th grade)
  • In middle school chorus, students are able to develop their musical ability over the course of the year, and they learn important life skills including responsibility, teamwork, self-respect, determination, and commitment.
  • While elementary chorus students usually meet once per week for 30 minutes, 6th grade chorus meets for 45 minutes each day, 5 days per week—that adds up to 240 minutes of instruction every week!  Students are able to improve and refine their musical abilities and music-reading skills at a fast pace!

Will my student still have time to pursue other interests and activities?  What if my student would like to take another elective class, such as Drama, Art, Family & Consumer Sciences, or Technology Education?

  • While participation in the Jefferson Middle School Chorus takes effort and commitment, Jefferson Chorus students still have plenty of time to pursue their other interests, including Interscholastic & Intramural Sports, Cheerleading, Art Club, the Spring Drama Production, National Junior Honor Society, Academic Hallmarks, MathCounts, Model UN, and many other activities.
  • Rising 6th grade students who sign up for chorus every day will take Chorus, World Language class (every other day, all year) and a PE class (every other day, all year).
  • Students may also choose to sign up for one of the Act II (after school) classes being offered, such as Art, Drama, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Technology Education.
  • Act II classes meet once or twice a week after school for one semester, and students receive credit and a grade for their efforts.

Information on Act II Chorus

  • Act II chorus is open to any student who is not enrolled in Chorus during the regular school day. The class meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:35 to 4:00. It is offered both first and second semesters
  • Performances are catered to the individuals in the ensemble. During the first semester, students often mirror the grade level chorus that meets during the day and performs with them at their concerts. During the second semester, students who sign up will audition and participate in the spring musical for the third marking period and end the year with a performance in the 4th marking period. 

I have a question that has not been answered here.  Who should I ask?

  • If you have questions about the Course Request Form (CRF), please see your student’s elementary school counselor.
  • If you have questions about the Jefferson Chorus, please contact the Jefferson Chorus teacher, Christian Banach at Christian.banach@apsva.us or 703-228-5900.

Please join us for the Spring Musical, Freaky Friday on Friday, April 5, 2019 at 6:30 or Saturday April 6, 2019 at 2:30.  The spring Chorus Concert is on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:00pm – all in the Jefferson Theatre!