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Morning Announcements May 6, 2024

Today is an A Day!

Here’s a special announcement:Hello, I am Anthony and this is yasslenToday we want to talk to you about adopting dogsDid you know that dogs are left in the shelter for years and dog shelter would have to euthanize them if they didn’t get adoptedLet us introduce you to rock, derby and edmond theses are the longest dogs that have been in the animal shelterYou can make a difference! You should adopt them or tell your family and friends you can have a 3 days trial with the derby that means you can take care of him for 3 days and see if he’s a right fit for you and rock and Edmond is free to adopt

From Student Services: Monday’s Mental Health Tip: Did you know that exercise can boost your mood? Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day to help improve your mental well-being.

From Ms. Russo:The Girls Mentoring Group will hold its final celebration for the 23-24 year after school today! Mentors and mentees, we will meet by the TJMS garden at 2:45. Or, if it is raining, we will make an announcement this afternoon to move indoors to Ms. Boda’s room.

From Dr. Woody-Pope:Rising TJMS 8th graders & Rising Wakefield 9th gradersPlease join Coach Martin on WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th at 6:30 pm in the Wakefield Cafeteria to learn more about the football program, how students can join the team, and how parents/guardians can become involved.

Here’s a special announcement:Good morning, my name is Alae, and I am here to talk about my community project. I am doing a drive to collect needed items to send to (where) for helping homeless people. Starting today you can donate: clean socks deodorant combs shampoo/ conditioner sleeping bagsfeminine products toothbrush / toothpaste soap pet food toilet paper/ towels……. Donate to help your community.Thank you so much for all of your help in making the world a better place.

Here’s another special announcement:My name is Taylor Dotson and for my community service project I am putting together a 6 vs 6 co-ed soccer tournament. If you would like to put a team into the tournament click on the announcement from Mr. Siegel in your grade level T/A in canvas. Games will be played after school

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