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Morning Announcements November 2, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

ANNOUNCEMENTS Today is an A Day.

November is NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month! Here’s a special announcement from your SCA:

  • Mia: I am Mia the SCA President. The Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) gives over 80,00 pounds of food to more than 3,300 families every week. At TJMS we want to help those in need during the month of November. So, if you can, please bring in food to your TA. We will see which TA can bring in the most.
  • Preston: I am Preston the SCA Vice-PresidentAt this time the most needed food donations are: canned tuna, canned soups, canned vegetables, canned tomatoes, peanut butter in plastic containers, and cereal. For the holidays, there is a special need for sugar, flour, cooking oil, and coffee.
  • Liya: I am Liya the Dolphin Team Representative. Please don’t donate food that is opened, expired, prepared or packed in glass. TA teachers please complete the Google Form (linked in the TA lesson) each day students bring in items to donate. Then send a student or two take the food items to one of the AFAC boxes around the building.

From Ms. Dunbar Reading Buddies forms are still available in the Library. Those of you who have picked up forms already, please bring them back tomorrow if you want to get started! We will meet in Ms. Waring’s Room in the 7th grade area, Room 260, at 2:40pm.

From Ms. Payne: Congratulations to the winners of the staff Halloween costume contest … drum roll, please… The individual winner is Ms. Brewster as Cruella de Vil. The group winner is the Penguin Team (past and honorary) as The Barbie Movie, (specifically, Ken, Barbie, Barbie, Barbie, Ken, Barbie, Allan, and Weird Barbie)

From Coach Sam and Coach Curran, The TJMS boys ultimate frisbee team played their last game of the season yesterday with the wind and 50 degree weather. At Dorothy Hamm Middle School, the 6th/7th grade team ended with a tie 3 to 3. Great job this year! The 7th/8th grade team won with a score of 8 to 5. They end their season with an overall record of 5 wins and 1 loss. Awesome job yellow jackets! The coaching staff would also like to thank the ASL interpreters who have braved the cold weather, flying discs, and smelly boys all while running up and down sidelines. The final end of season party will be next week, check the announcements on canvas and listen to the morning announcements. The boys ultimate team would like to challenge the girls ultimate team to determine who is the “best of the best”. Hope to see everyone there!

From Ms. Jenks: Hello, Yellow Jackets! The PTA Reflections contest is back! This year the theme is “I am hopeful because….” Start thinking about how you can express yourself through visual art, literature, music, film, photography, or dance! Here is a short video to watch and get inspired! Show them who you are!  https://youtu.be/MuaoV5TyfBI?si=ntGPOBXLPl20U7zW

From Ms. Wall: Study Hall is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school in the Library. If you would like a quiet place to get your homework done before you go home, please come to the Library right after school and sign in.  A teacher will be here to help, and the Library is open until 3:30pm.  You can walk home or get picked up then, or you can then go wait for the late bus in the commons with Mr. Siegel.

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