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Morning Announcements September 15, 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023


From Ms. Egbert: The 1st Anime Club meeting will be after school this today in Mr. Jeon’s room 115 from 2:40-3:50.  His room is downstairs in the Stingrays area, where Ms. LeBovidge was last year. We will talk about what shows to watch this year, pass out permission slips, and maybe play some Gimkit. See you there!

From Ms. Dunbar: Garden Club meets TODAY! Please use Door #4 and meet us out by the Little Blue Shed by 2:45. We will be harvesting vegetables, and basil, as well as exploring the pollinator garden. Hope to see you there!

Coach Vogel and Coach Leonberger would like to thank all of the students who came to tennis tryouts this year. Also, a big congratulations to the yellowjackets who made the final team. Check the lists outside of the library and outside of rooms 280 and 284 to see if you made the cut. Team, we’ll see you Monday the 18th on the courts for our first practice of the season

From Mr. Carter: Do you like solving hard problems? Do you want to see a math teacher struggle to answer questions? Want to know more about Math Counts competition? Come to Math Counts, the team will meet on Tuesday September 19th after school in room 255.

From Ms. Lidell: As National Suicide Prevention Week comes to a close, let’s celebrate the unity and support we’ve shown. Each of us has a value, and together we can create a caring community. Remember, you are never alone, and there are people who care about you. Reach out if you need someone to talk to.  Today, students and staff will have the chance to share uplifting and motivational messages on the Positive Affirmation Wall. The purpose of the positive affirmation wall is to cultivate a sense of positivity and encouragement to the Thomas Jefferson Community. Please join us during lunch!

From Coach Sam: Good morning yellow jackets, The girls ultimate frisbee team’s first game is next week on Monday against Gunston. First time players are welcome to join.

From Mr. Clark: Are you interested in learning about important issues facing the United Nations and our world? Do you like to research and enjoy writing papers? Do you like debating issues from different perspectives? Do you like working with others, and would you like to travel to other schools for weekend conferences? Then Join Model UN! Come to our first Model U.N Club meeting this coming Monday September 18 after school. We will meet in the GOLD section of the cafeteria and discuss what JIBMUN is and how you can participate. Again, come to the gold section of the cafeteria on Monday. All are welcome!

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