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Morning Announcements September 7, 2023

Thursday, September 7, 2023

ANNOUNCEMENTS Today is an A Day.

From Ms. Burton: “Students:  today is the deadline to turn your ACT II forms in to the counseling suite.

From Ms. Riley: Are you interested in being in the TJMS Fall Play? Auditions are today from from 2:40 to 6pm.Bring your audition packet.  If you have any questions, see Ms. Riley or Ms. Rosegrant.

From Ms. Dunbar: Attention all Gardeners: TJ’s Garden Club will begin TOMORROW. We will be harvesting green beans and okra, as well as other veggies. Once the harvesting is done, we will relax in the shade and talk about our Fall Garden activities. Hope to see old friends and new ones. No experience necessary.

From Coach De Bruyne and Coach Curran: Boys’ soccer tryouts will start next week.  8th grader tryouts start Monday, September 11th. 7th grade tryouts start Tuesday the 12th.  And 6th grade tryouts start Wednesday the 13th.  Please sign up during your lunch this week.  See you all next week!

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