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Monday, Apr. 17, 2023


Today is an A Day.

Let’s start with a special announcement:Hello, my name is Abraham Friedman and I am running a food drive for AFAC (Arlington food assistance center) and I will be outside by the bus loop tomorrow to collect food donations. After that, there will be a box in the lobby from Tuesday to Friday. Please bring any extra canned food you have to donate to AFAC. Thank you.

From Ms. Riley: We have spots left in the Tech Crew for the TJMS Spring Musical, Newsies Jr. If you are interested in being part of the tech crew for Newsies Jr, come to the information session today, Monday April 17 during your lunch period. THIS INFORMATION SESSION IS MANDATORY for everyone who wants a job in the tech crew. Please message or visit Ms. Riley with any questions. Now here’s a video:  (yearbook)

From Coach Detweiler and Coach SamGood morning yellow jackets,,On Thursday, the track and field team hosted their first home meet in the 87 degree weather. The yellow jackets ran a great meet with 24 students coming in first place out of 28 events. The final score was TJ 184 to Swanson 50. Thank you to all the staff members and managers that helped out yesterday. The next meet is on Tuesday April 25th at Kenmore. See you at practice today. 

Now here’s a video from Ms. McPhillips:(Odyssey of the Mind) Happy Deaf History Month!

From Ms. Wall and Ms Rosegrant…and probably every teacher in this school:Please check your Canvas messages and Announcements every day!  Important information is sent to you through Canvas, and you need to know what is happening!Have you checked Canvas yet today?

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