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Friday, Mar. 17, 2023


Today is a B Day.

From Ms. Burton:Students, don’t forget next week is College Awareness Week! (play video)

From Ms. Dunbar, Garden Club starts today! We will meet out by the Blue Shed at 2:40. This week we will be planting Sugar Snap Peas, transplanting Collards, and moving wood chips with wheelbarrows.

From Mr. Banach, 7th and 8th grade chorus students who are participating in the Assessment today should report to room 126 immediately after TA.   

From Ms. Wall, Ms. Zehren, and Ms. Rosegrant:Today is the day for our March Library Craft!  Please come join us in the Library during lunch to relax, listen to music, chat with friends, and make a shamrock bookmark!

From the Library and your reading teachers:Today is the Elite 8 round of our Battle of the Books!There are 4 matchups you need to vote for.  Go to your grade-level Canvas course.  The link is in today’s TA lesson and will be sent to your Canvas inbox.For each match, watch the videos and read the slides—and vote for the book you liked more…or the book you more want to read.Every student and teacher should vote because every vote counts!Vote today—polls close at 4pm today.  Results will be announced on Monday. Come to the Library after TA to check out a Battle of the Books title.  Or you can check out ebooks or audiobooks of these titles in Destiny Discover.  See us in the Library if you have questions!

From Ms. Wall:If you brought in any of your overdue library books, please bring them to the library this morning.

From Ms. Wall and Ms Rosegrant…and probably every teacher in this school:Please check your Canvas messages and Announcements every day!  Important information is sent to you through Canvas, and you need to know what is happening!Have you checked Canvas yet today?

From Mr. J Anderson:In this year’s yearbook we would like to include a page featuring BeReals. Screenshot or save photos from your BeReal, upload it to your google drive, and submit the photos in the google form in today’s TA. Remember, anything inappropriate will not be selected. Also, we need more art submissions! Submit your favorite art pieces in the art form in TA. Thank-you.

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